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Jual, D.Taruna CX 2000, 1600cc Karbu, Merah Met 95% body orisinil msh kaleng, int mulus
- Km.98.000
- Velg racing orisinil Taruna 15" ban BARU!
- Wiper belakang
- Foot step belakang
- AC single ND dingin sekali baru di servis rutin
- PW, PS, CL elektrikal jalan semua bgs
- Radio tape
- Jok kulit asli
Harga buka Rp.80jt
Hub om sy Bpk.Sianturi 0815 100 833 75

davekaby 30 Jul, 2011- Km.98.000
- Velg racing orisinil Taruna 15" ban BARU!
- Wiper belakang
- Foot step belakang
- AC single ND dingin sekali baru di servis rutin
- PW, PS, CL elektrikal jalan semua bgs
- Radio tape
- Jok kulit asli
Harga buka Rp.80jt
Hub om sy Bpk.Sianturi 0815 100 833 75
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