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Merk : HONDA
Model / Seri : NEW CITY 2004 IDSI M/T
Volume Mesin : 1500 cc
Transmisi : Manual
Bahan Bakar : Premium
Warna : hitam
Tahun : 2004
No. Polisi : B - DKI Jakarta
Perlengkapan : AC, Air Bag, Power Steering, Power Windows, Eletric Mirrors, Central Lock, Alarm, Radio Tape Stereo, Ban Serep, Velg Standart, Tool Kit
Keterangan Tambahan : faktur asli, Form A, cek fisik polda metro jaya, surat-surat lengkap, service record honda, tangan ke 2
Harga Rp. 126.000.000
Contact person : 085265346891
lokasi : yogyakarta

otoguide749 31 Aug, 2011Model / Seri : NEW CITY 2004 IDSI M/T
Volume Mesin : 1500 cc
Transmisi : Manual
Bahan Bakar : Premium
Warna : hitam
Tahun : 2004
No. Polisi : B - DKI Jakarta
Perlengkapan : AC, Air Bag, Power Steering, Power Windows, Eletric Mirrors, Central Lock, Alarm, Radio Tape Stereo, Ban Serep, Velg Standart, Tool Kit
Keterangan Tambahan : faktur asli, Form A, cek fisik polda metro jaya, surat-surat lengkap, service record honda, tangan ke 2
Harga Rp. 126.000.000
Contact person : 085265346891
lokasi : yogyakarta
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