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misi gan...
mau numpang jualan nih
Toyota Kijang LSX 1997
-Biru muda metalic
-Full original
-Pajak bln 12
-Tangan 1
-Kelengkapan standart AC, Radio Tape standart, Power Window, Central lock
-Velk Racing 16
harga ane buka di 83jt nego.....
bagi yg berminat bisa hubungi ane di 94409841

rikbed 22 Aug, 2011mau numpang jualan nih
Toyota Kijang LSX 1997
-Biru muda metalic
-Full original
-Pajak bln 12
-Tangan 1
-Kelengkapan standart AC, Radio Tape standart, Power Window, Central lock
-Velk Racing 16
harga ane buka di 83jt nego.....
bagi yg berminat bisa hubungi ane di 94409841
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