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Halo agan2 kaskuser setanah air, mau bantuin temen jualin mobil ni, langsung ke spesifikasi ya ^^ :
Merk : Peugeot
Type : 307 Sporty
Year : 2003
Colour : Metallic Gold
Engine : 1.6 litre, Petrol unleaded fuel RON 98
Gear box : Tiptronic Automatic Transmission equipped with sport mode & snow mode
Mileage : 80.000 km and still counting
Electric side view mirror, electric air conditioning, 6 unit Airbag (driver, passenger, curtain, seat), Anti-lock Braking System, etc
Kondisi mobil sangat bagus dan terawat, tidak rewel, rajin service rutin, baru service matic di ATPM, mesin kering, temperatur normal, accu baru ganti di ATPM, service record lengkap, manual book lengkap, dll.. pokoknya tinggal gas.. ^^ Alasan jual, temen ane mau ganti peugeot yang lebih gede gan..
Penampakan :

Price : 103 juta nego alus
langsung contact tmn ane aja gan :
Nathan : 0818407003
Adjie Eliazar 01 Sep, 2011Merk : Peugeot
Type : 307 Sporty
Year : 2003
Colour : Metallic Gold
Engine : 1.6 litre, Petrol unleaded fuel RON 98
Gear box : Tiptronic Automatic Transmission equipped with sport mode & snow mode
Mileage : 80.000 km and still counting
Electric side view mirror, electric air conditioning, 6 unit Airbag (driver, passenger, curtain, seat), Anti-lock Braking System, etc
Kondisi mobil sangat bagus dan terawat, tidak rewel, rajin service rutin, baru service matic di ATPM, mesin kering, temperatur normal, accu baru ganti di ATPM, service record lengkap, manual book lengkap, dll.. pokoknya tinggal gas.. ^^ Alasan jual, temen ane mau ganti peugeot yang lebih gede gan..
Penampakan :
Price : 103 juta nego alus
langsung contact tmn ane aja gan :
Nathan : 0818407003
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